
Monday, November 28, 2005

Bitron in my car

I just wanted to share my experience with the Bitron products and how well they have worked for me. I drive a 2003 Ford Focus ZX-3 and I currently have about 95,000 KMs on it. That is about 28 months worth of driving, so as you can tell I drive a fair bit. One of the challenges I face is that I am terrible at keeping up with regular maintenance. So my car was begging to idle rough and would sometimes stall at stop signs.

The first thing I noticed instantly after putting the Bitron products in my car is that it started running noticably smoother and quieter and it no longer had any trouble idling. The second thing Bitron did for me was that it reduced the amount of gas I was using by about 20%, which for me is pretty substantial. Needless to say I am completly sold on the products and love them. Check them out on the web




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