
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bitron on national TV

Recently we were very fortunate to be featured on a TV show that was shown in 30 million households across North America. An independent production company called Business Television did a 30 minute documentary on our company. If you would like to see a portion of what they said you can view the video clip here.

It was a wonderful opportunity for us and I believe a good indication that we are doing great things for the environment and society in general.



Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Elevator Speech-Adapt for your environment

One of the things almost everyone who knows me has heard one of my elevator speaches. I am always stressing their importances and using them to my advantage to create interest about the projects I have on the go. I thought I would share my current one that is giving me much success, my hope is that you find something you can use and put it to good use.

"Hello there, my name is Chuck Brady and I help people make fewer trips to the gas station. ..... These days is is difficult to pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV and not hear something about the high cost of filling up at the gas pumps. Having said that, I have a question for you......
If there was a gas station beside your house that offered you a discount of 10-25 cents per litre over and above the discounts of every other gas station, would you buy gas anywhere else??? I don't think that anybody would. Well my product offers you just that, and best of all IT PAYS YOU TO USE IT....... once again my name is Chuck Brady, and I am reducing the profits of the gas companies, Thank you."

You will notice in a few places I use "....." that indicates a pause for my point to land. The reason I have so much success with statements like this is because they relate to challenges and problems that people face daily. Put it in their language and you will be amazed with the results,

Happy savings,


Monday, January 23, 2006

Hybrids-Not what they are cracked up to be

While doing some research this evening I came across this article about the true fuel economics of the hybrid cars we have all heard so much about. Some interesting findings of Comsumer reports were...

"Hybrids, which typically claim to get 32 to 60 miles per gallon, ended up delivering an average of 19 miles per gallon less than their EPA ratings under real-world driving conditions (which reflect more stop-and-go traffic and Americans' penchant for heavy accelerating) according to a Consumer Reports investigation in October 2005. For example, a 2004 Toyota Prius got 35 miles per gallon in city driving, off 42 percent from its EPA rating of 60 mpg. The 2003 Honda Civic averaged 26 mpg, off 46 percent from its advertised 48 mpg. And the Ford Escape small sport utility vehicle managed 22 mpg, falling 33 percent short of its 33 mpg rating."... click here for the full article

Now with all the documented test and hundreds of testimonials I am happy to say that Bitron more than lives up to its promises. Remember, there is a better way.... don't be the one making extra trips to the pump.



Change-Why we are slow to adapt

With the results of our election now in I was doing some reflection of just how we think as a society. I really noticed how as much as we have seen the need for change we are very slow to do anything about it. I really think this attitude carries over into our current economic state as well. In an age of rising consumer debt and fewer and fewer being able to retire with any kind of comfort it is well document that habits need to change.

People however seem very resistant to the changes that are require to make the life altering paradigm shift. One of the things I like about Bitron is that it allows for people who have been beaten up by the world, to have a legitimate success plan that can be achieved in five years time. I do not know of any other business that offers someone who is 60 years old and broke the chance to retire successfully at 65.

However, having said that; no success in life comes without putting in the time and effort. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who are in a hole but are willing to do nothing to get out of it. However, if you have a work ethic and a reason why you want to succeed Bitron could be your window to financial freedom.

My two cents for the evening,



Friday, January 20, 2006

Momentum-It is easier to build fast than slow

One of the universal rules of the universe is that things always come in bunches, whether they be good things or bad. When we are growing a business or growing a team the same rules apply. Momentum is one of those contagious experiences that everyone around you can catch.

I am always telling my team that the biggest single thing you can have when you are selling yourself is confidence. The reason I say selling yourself is that ultimately people always make a decision to buy the person not the product. In Bitron I am looking for people to be in business WITH me.

Having said that why not create an environment that is fast paced and exciting with things constantly on the move. We have all sorts of recognition programs available in our company including pin, plaques, and my personal favorite CRUISES.

To further illustrate my point I want you to think about a car that has died. How much effort does it take to get that car moving while you are pushing. Conversely, how much effort does it take to KEEP that car moving? It takes much less effort to keep the car moving forward than it does to start the car moving forward.

The best time to make a sales call is right after a successful call. The person on the other end will hear and feel you confidence and enthusiasm. What you are selling is contagious emotion. Keep up that emotion and good things will continue to happen. I will see you on the next cruise :).



Bitron- a timely product

One of my favorite authors is the sales industry guru Brian Tracy. Recently when talking about the trial and tibulations most new businesses face Brian said

"we know that 80 to 90 percent of new businesses fail in the first three years due to a variety of factors. One of those factors is managerial incompetence.... Another major reason for failure is offering the wrong product at the wrong price to the wrong market at the wrong time, or a combination of these. In which case, even the best marketing efforts and cost controls won't help you. "

At Bitron the managment team has addressed these concerns with some very exciting news. Click here to see a video from the managment team.

Just one more reason why I love this business,

These are my two cents,


Successful Beleifs

Whenever I have read studies looking at the successful people in our society there are always a few prevelent things in each of the truely successful people. Almost every successful person is successful because of the beleifs they have.

Whatever you intensely believe becomes your reality. That we have a tendency to block out any information coming in to us that is inconsistent with our reality. What we've discovered is that successful people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed. And they will not entertain, think about, or talk about the possibilities that they'll fail. They do not even consider the possibility of failure.

You always act in a matter consistent with your beliefs. The most important belief system you can build is a prosperity consciousness where you absolutely believe that you are going achieve your financial goals. We call this positive knowing versus positive thinking. Positive thinking can sometimes be wishing or hoping. But positive knowing is when you absolutely know that no matter what, you will be successful.

It always comes down to making up your mind that regardless of what life throws your way, you WILL SUCCEED. Do you have a vehicle to take you to that success? If not, why not give Bitron a try.



Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Chuck Brady-Access Strategist: Benefit Statements

We all know that networking is one of the most powerful ways in which to grow a business. One of the ways to make your networking opportunities much more powerful is through the development of benefits statements. I believe that everyone should have at least 6 unique benefit statements prepared for whenever someone asks you “so what do you do”.

This sounds very simple but I meet so few people who have mastered the concept. Very simply, a benefit statement gives your listener a reason to care about your product or service and shows them why they would get value out of it. The most common mistake is using features rather than benefits. The difference is often subtle but, in business the subtle differences can be the difference between a sale and a non sale.

One of the product lines I distribute is a series of oil and gas additives for cars and trucks. One of the many features of the product line is that it reduces fuel consumption in a car. Creating a benefit statement for this product line I would use statements like:

“I help people go to the gas pump less often”
“I provide a fuel savings of 20 cents per litre”
“I show people how to get every 5th tank of gas for free”

You will notice that each of these allow my listener to receive a tangible benefit to using my product. I would recommend everyone come up with a number of one line benefit statements around your product or service offering, so when someone asks you “so what do you do” you have an answer that will pique their curiosity.

Happy Selling,


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Courage to stay the course

There is a critical time period between the launching of a new venture and the results that come from that venture. During this hiatus, this waiting period, many people lose their nerve. They cannot stand the suspense of not knowing, of possible failure. They break and run in battle, they quake and quit in business. For a leader however, this is not the case. The true leader is the person who can stand firm, who refuses to consider the possibility of failure. The turning points of many key moments in human history have been the resolution, or lack thereof, of one person. Courageous patience is the acid test of leadership.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "A hero is no braver than the ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer." This is very true when you are talking about leadership and success in business. I am a firm believer that whoever fails the most in business wins. This is the person who keeps going despite all obstacles he faces. Any idiot can face one challenge and give up and go home, but truly successful people persevere and become great.

As soon as you have left your comfort zone you have embarked upon the journey to success. If you can keep at it when those around you are packing it in, you will find your goals achieved and your dreams realized.

See you at the top,


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Excellence- It is your choice

A number of years ago I was attending a business conference in St. Louis where I heard a speak by the name of Mark Gorman. I was so inspired by his speach that I bought his tape for my car (yes it was a tape at the time, I did not yet have a CD player). He really emphasised the importants of personal choice and not allowing ourselves to be anything but the best we can be.

"Don't ever let it be said that someone else expected more of you than you expected of yourself. If anyone finds fault in a job which you have done that is less than excellent, don't make excuses. Admit that it was not your best. Don't stand up and try to defend yourself. Why settle for average, when excellence is an option? I'm weary of people saying that it's not in their nature to demand more of themselves.

It is something that has stuck with me to this day and I just love the way he puts it. If you do not demand excellence of yourself how can you possibly expect to achieve your goals in life. Ask yourself, is what I am doing right now getting me closer or farther from where I want to be?

If the answer is farther perhaps it is time to take another look at your actions or priorities.....



Chuck Brady-Access Strategist: Getting a message to Garcia

Chuck Brady-Access Strategist: Getting a message to Garcia

In the late 1800s following the Spanish American war, one of the greatest articles in history was written by a fellow by the name of Elbert Hubbard. Even though it was written over 100 years ago the points made are still as poignant today. I particularly like one section where he states,

"when all the world has gone a-slumming I wish to speak a word of sympathy for the man who succeeds- the man who, against great odds has directed the efforts of others, and having succeeded, finds there’s nothing in it: nothing but bare board and clothes

My heart goes out to the man who does his work when the "boss" is away, as well as when he is at home. And the man who, when given a letter for Garcia, quietly take the missive, without asking any idiotic questions, and with no lurking intention of chucking it into the nearest sewer, or of doing aught else but deliver it, never gets "laid off," nor has to go on a strike for higher wages.

Civilization is one long anxious search for just such individuals. Anything such a man asks shall be granted; his kind is so rare that no employer can afford to let him go. He is wanted in every city, town and village- in every office, shop, store and factory. The world cries out for such: he is needed, & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia."

In the world today, I think we are far to quick to pass successful people off as lucky. Instead of doing the wise thing and learning from their success and finding ways to make it our own.

These are my two cents on the day,