
Monday, January 23, 2006

Change-Why we are slow to adapt

With the results of our election now in I was doing some reflection of just how we think as a society. I really noticed how as much as we have seen the need for change we are very slow to do anything about it. I really think this attitude carries over into our current economic state as well. In an age of rising consumer debt and fewer and fewer being able to retire with any kind of comfort it is well document that habits need to change.

People however seem very resistant to the changes that are require to make the life altering paradigm shift. One of the things I like about Bitron is that it allows for people who have been beaten up by the world, to have a legitimate success plan that can be achieved in five years time. I do not know of any other business that offers someone who is 60 years old and broke the chance to retire successfully at 65.

However, having said that; no success in life comes without putting in the time and effort. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who are in a hole but are willing to do nothing to get out of it. However, if you have a work ethic and a reason why you want to succeed Bitron could be your window to financial freedom.

My two cents for the evening,




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