
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Excellence- It is your choice

A number of years ago I was attending a business conference in St. Louis where I heard a speak by the name of Mark Gorman. I was so inspired by his speach that I bought his tape for my car (yes it was a tape at the time, I did not yet have a CD player). He really emphasised the importants of personal choice and not allowing ourselves to be anything but the best we can be.

"Don't ever let it be said that someone else expected more of you than you expected of yourself. If anyone finds fault in a job which you have done that is less than excellent, don't make excuses. Admit that it was not your best. Don't stand up and try to defend yourself. Why settle for average, when excellence is an option? I'm weary of people saying that it's not in their nature to demand more of themselves.

It is something that has stuck with me to this day and I just love the way he puts it. If you do not demand excellence of yourself how can you possibly expect to achieve your goals in life. Ask yourself, is what I am doing right now getting me closer or farther from where I want to be?

If the answer is farther perhaps it is time to take another look at your actions or priorities.....



Chuck Brady-Access Strategist: Getting a message to Garcia

Chuck Brady-Access Strategist: Getting a message to Garcia

In the late 1800s following the Spanish American war, one of the greatest articles in history was written by a fellow by the name of Elbert Hubbard. Even though it was written over 100 years ago the points made are still as poignant today. I particularly like one section where he states,

"when all the world has gone a-slumming I wish to speak a word of sympathy for the man who succeeds- the man who, against great odds has directed the efforts of others, and having succeeded, finds there’s nothing in it: nothing but bare board and clothes

My heart goes out to the man who does his work when the "boss" is away, as well as when he is at home. And the man who, when given a letter for Garcia, quietly take the missive, without asking any idiotic questions, and with no lurking intention of chucking it into the nearest sewer, or of doing aught else but deliver it, never gets "laid off," nor has to go on a strike for higher wages.

Civilization is one long anxious search for just such individuals. Anything such a man asks shall be granted; his kind is so rare that no employer can afford to let him go. He is wanted in every city, town and village- in every office, shop, store and factory. The world cries out for such: he is needed, & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia."

In the world today, I think we are far to quick to pass successful people off as lucky. Instead of doing the wise thing and learning from their success and finding ways to make it our own.

These are my two cents on the day,


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oil and Vancouver's economy

I was very intrigued by what I discovered in this month's edition of BC Business Magazine. In looking at the trending high oil prices our goverment determined for us that if they were to do an impact study on the subject the results would be so alarming, they would cause a panic in the media.

I ask the question how high is oil going to go if our elected officials are so scared of the news they will not even allow the studies to be done. I am so happy to be in a position to save money on my usage and provide a lower cost solution to the market place.

I am reminded of the years leading up to Y2K and can't help but think the government is thinking along the same lines. I just think back to all of the products people were stock piling with the coming "doomsday". If a perceived crisis could cause that much stock piling, what is a shortage that will be realized going to do to our after market product. I can't help but think we are in the right place at the right time.



Monday, December 19, 2005

Bitron-Instant ROI (return on Investment)

If you ask me what is the single biggest benefit of the Bitron products I would say the fact that people are actually paid to use the products. Let me explain what I mean by this.

I am going to assume a very conservative return, with a customer getting 10% fuel savings using the Bitron fuel conditioner. Using my car as the example it takes 40 litres to fill my gas tank so that is about $40 worth of fuel. With that much fuel, 2 ounces of Bitron are required. A bottle of Bitron is 12 ounces and costs about $18, so that means I am using $3 worth of product per tank.

10% savings is $4, so I am spending $3 and getting $4 1 week later. In economic terms this is a 33% ROI in 1 week. If you look at a Canada savings Bond which pays 2% per YEAR, you tell me which is a better investment.

To take this one step further to a 20% fuel savings, which is what I am currently getting. I am spending the same $3 but this time I am getting $8 back PER TANK. This is over 150% ROI and this happens a few times per week. You show me another investment that can return you between 30%- 150% in one week.
