
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Elevator Speech-Adapt for your environment

One of the things almost everyone who knows me has heard one of my elevator speaches. I am always stressing their importances and using them to my advantage to create interest about the projects I have on the go. I thought I would share my current one that is giving me much success, my hope is that you find something you can use and put it to good use.

"Hello there, my name is Chuck Brady and I help people make fewer trips to the gas station. ..... These days is is difficult to pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV and not hear something about the high cost of filling up at the gas pumps. Having said that, I have a question for you......
If there was a gas station beside your house that offered you a discount of 10-25 cents per litre over and above the discounts of every other gas station, would you buy gas anywhere else??? I don't think that anybody would. Well my product offers you just that, and best of all IT PAYS YOU TO USE IT....... once again my name is Chuck Brady, and I am reducing the profits of the gas companies, Thank you."

You will notice in a few places I use "....." that indicates a pause for my point to land. The reason I have so much success with statements like this is because they relate to challenges and problems that people face daily. Put it in their language and you will be amazed with the results,

Happy savings,


Monday, January 23, 2006

Hybrids-Not what they are cracked up to be

While doing some research this evening I came across this article about the true fuel economics of the hybrid cars we have all heard so much about. Some interesting findings of Comsumer reports were...

"Hybrids, which typically claim to get 32 to 60 miles per gallon, ended up delivering an average of 19 miles per gallon less than their EPA ratings under real-world driving conditions (which reflect more stop-and-go traffic and Americans' penchant for heavy accelerating) according to a Consumer Reports investigation in October 2005. For example, a 2004 Toyota Prius got 35 miles per gallon in city driving, off 42 percent from its EPA rating of 60 mpg. The 2003 Honda Civic averaged 26 mpg, off 46 percent from its advertised 48 mpg. And the Ford Escape small sport utility vehicle managed 22 mpg, falling 33 percent short of its 33 mpg rating."... click here for the full article

Now with all the documented test and hundreds of testimonials I am happy to say that Bitron more than lives up to its promises. Remember, there is a better way.... don't be the one making extra trips to the pump.



Change-Why we are slow to adapt

With the results of our election now in I was doing some reflection of just how we think as a society. I really noticed how as much as we have seen the need for change we are very slow to do anything about it. I really think this attitude carries over into our current economic state as well. In an age of rising consumer debt and fewer and fewer being able to retire with any kind of comfort it is well document that habits need to change.

People however seem very resistant to the changes that are require to make the life altering paradigm shift. One of the things I like about Bitron is that it allows for people who have been beaten up by the world, to have a legitimate success plan that can be achieved in five years time. I do not know of any other business that offers someone who is 60 years old and broke the chance to retire successfully at 65.

However, having said that; no success in life comes without putting in the time and effort. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who are in a hole but are willing to do nothing to get out of it. However, if you have a work ethic and a reason why you want to succeed Bitron could be your window to financial freedom.

My two cents for the evening,

